Leadership Training for Christ (LTC) - Practice schedule for Sunday (Mar. 23): Art/Speech/Bible Reading at 3pm, Drama at 3:50pm, Puppets at 4:40pm. Visit BYGMinistries.com/LTC for forms, rules, and more.
Middle School Devo - Sunday, March 23 from 6-7:30pm at the Nieland's home. A van will leave the building at 5:45pm and return at 7:45pm.
HS Bible Study - Resumes on Monday, March 24 from 7-8pm at the Beaver's (703 Coastal Dr, Temple).
LTC Hotel - Remaining hotel payments are due by THIS Wednesday, April 2.
Graduating Seniors - The first deadline (March 19) has passed. If you have not filled out the Google form yet, please do so ASAP. Next deadline: Turn in pictures by April 16.
Camp Koinonia Kickoff - Next Sunday, March 30 from 5-7pm in the gym. Camp registration opens April 1.
Help Needed - We need hosts and sponsors for various events. Find signup list at the youth board.
Events Coming Up - LTC (April 18-19); Area-wide (April 27); Senior Sunday (May 4)
Thanks! - To Justin Truitt for teaching the Middle School class last Sunday. Thanks so much!
Sign up to get email/text updates, get parent guides, find announcements,
forms, youth calendar, signups, & more at BYGMinistries.com!