Honduras Mission Trip - We will have a brief meeting in the BYG Room after classes this Sunday (Nov. 24) for parents and participants. Registration is closed and tickets have been purchased. Please make your $250 deposit by December 15. 

MS Devo - Sunday (Nov. 24) from 6-7:30pm at Mike & Jessica Brown's home (405 Damascus Dr, Belton). A van will leave the building at 5:45pm and return around 7:50pm.

Paintball - This Monday, Nov. 25. $30/person. Sign up online or at the youth board by Sunday, Nov. 24. Everyone needs a signed Paintball Waiver. Meet at the building at 11:30am. Bring cash, check, or pay online. We'll return around 4:15pm.

Teen's Activities/Events - Bruce & Katy would love to watch your teen participate in their sport/event/activity. Please send a schedule or specific dates to Bruce so he can make plans and attend.

Edge Retreat - Dec. 6-8. $25/person. Sign up by Sunday, Dec. 1 at the youth board or online for this area-wide Middle School retreat.

HS Bible Study - Will not meet Monday, Nov. 25, but will resume on Dec. 9.

HS Small Group - Enjoy a free lunch and fellowship on Sunday, Dec. 1 after class at the Lane's home.

Sign up to get email/text updates, get parent guides, find announcements,
forms, youth calendar, signups, & more at BYGMinistries.com!

What We're Studying

We believe in studying God's word on a regular basis. Therefore, we want to open the Bible each and every time we get together for class. Our goal is to have both scriptural and topical studies that assist in connecting God's Word to the teen's everyday lives.



High School - Revelation: The Seven Letters

Middle School - Gospel According to Luke



High School - "The Secret to Success" 

Middle School - "The Secret to Success