Leadership Training for Christ (LTC) - Practice schedule for Sunday (Mar. 23): Art/Speech/Bible Reading at 3pm, Drama at 3:50pm, Puppets at 4:40pm.  Visit BYGMinistries.com/LTC for forms, rules, and more.

Middle School Devo - Sunday, March 23 from 6-7:30pm at the Nieland's home. A van will leave the building at 5:45pm and return at 7:45pm.

HS Bible Study - Resumes on Monday, March 24 from 7-8pm at the Beaver's (703 Coastal Dr, Temple).

LTC Hotel - Remaining hotel payments are due by THIS Wednesday, April 2.

Graduating Seniors - The first deadline (March 19) has passed. If you have not filled out the Google form yet, please do so ASAP. Next deadline: Turn in pictures by April 16.

Camp Koinonia Kickoff - Next Sunday, March 30 from 5-7pm in the gym. Camp registration opens April 1.

Help Needed - We need hosts and sponsors for various events. Find signup list at the youth board.

Events Coming Up - LTC (April 18-19); Area-wide (April 27); Senior Sunday (May 4)

Thanks! - To Justin Truitt for teaching the Middle School class last Sunday. Thanks so much!

Sign up to get email/text updates, get parent guides, find announcements,
forms, youth calendar, signups, & more at BYGMinistries.com!

What We're Studying

We believe in studying God's word on a regular basis. Therefore, we want to open the Bible each and every time we get together for class. Our goal is to have both scriptural and topical studies that assist in connecting God's Word to the teen's everyday lives.



High School - Revelation: The Seven Letters

Middle School - Gospel According to Luke



High School - "The Secret to Success" 

Middle School - "The Secret to Success