Family Experiences are designed to help parents strategically pass down their faith to their teenager. And we give you the tools to carry it out each year.

Every Family Experience contains a video and each of these 4 downloadable/printable resources.

Developmental Guide

Developmental Guide

Helpful insight into the physical, mental, and emotional changes taking place during this period
Parent Guide

Parent Guide

The "how-to" for each Family Experience


List of suggestions for practically incorporating the Family Experience into daily life
Resource Materials

Resource Materials

Any extra materials you might need

6th Grade -- Preparation For Adolescence

The 6th Grade Year is an exciting year filled with the transition from childhood to adolescence. Here is a guide to help give you a glimpse of what might be going on inside your brand new 6th grader.

- Discussion Starters Cards

Download Resources


7th Grade -- The Blessing

The 7th grade year is the “Wonder Year,” where your brand new teenager begins to try on identities and discover who they are going to be. This guide will give you a map into the body, mind, and soul of your 7th grader.

- Blessings Worksheet

Download Resources


8th Grade -- Purity Weekend

The 8th grader says “goodbye” to puberty issues and “hello” to the quest for freedom from parents and “kiddie” things. Major changes occur during this year as the teen transitions into the middle of the adolescent journey. Here is a look at what is going on with your 8th grader.

- Q&A Sheet

Download Resources


9th Grade -- Driving Contract

The 9th grade year signals the beginning of the high school experience and the last stage of the adolescent journey. This is a look into the world of your 9th grader.

- Driving Contract
- Car Checklist

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10th Grade -- Money Matters

The 10th grader can drive a car, work a job, and is getting dangerously close to adulthood. Here is a look at what is going on inside the mind and heart of your 10th grader.

- Budget Worksheet
- Certificate
- Optional Activities

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11th Grade -- Family Tree

By the time your teenager reaches the 11th grade year, they are living like a mini-adult. But they still need your guidance. To help you with that, here is a look at what is happening in the world of your 11th grader.

- Family Tree
- Interview Questions

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12th Grade -- Manhood/Womanhood

Congratulations! You have a 12th grader! It is time to finish strong in the adolescent journey. In order to do that, let’s take a look inside the mind and heart of your 12th grader.

Child of the King Resource

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